Sharpening their skates for the 11 Day Power Play

Jun 29, 2019

Hockey players of all ages and skill levels have been hitting the ice, getting ready to take part in the second annual 11 Day Power Play Community Shift, the week-and-a-half-long hockey game founded by Mike and Amy Lesakowski to raise money to help in the fight against cancer.

“As I tell everyone, my wife Amy does all the work. She’s a force,” Mike Lesakowski said. “We were out last night having dinner and we were talking about it and I can’t believe we are three years in to it. We were just going to do one event and raise $1 million for Roswell and now it’s turned in to a community event with 2,500 players. It’s surreal and I couldn’t be more proud.”

Learn more about how the 11 Day Power Play got started.


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